Friday, 27 March 2015

Midnight Wolves Part 2, Book 1

Midnight Wolves Part 2, Book 1
Anita Lawless & Roxxy Meyer

About: “The devil rides our shoulder. The wolf roams in our heart. It’s who we are.” 

These words brand Eris Myers with a dark legacy. One filled with blood, bullets, and betrayal. 

As the only daughter of Colby ‘Madman’ Myers, she’s grown up surrounded by chaos and danger. Her father is the president of the Midnight Wolves motorcycle club and he’s alpha of their werewolf pack. Now he’s disappeared after being double crossed, and it’s up to Eris and three men she loves and loathes to clear his name and stop a biker / shifter war. 

Part Two: Tension mounts after Ash discovers Eris in the arms of their best friend, Joe Hartnell. To keep them from killing one another, Eris puts some distance between herself and Joe, but the weregrizzly isn’t pleased. After Eris uncovers a startling secret, she doesn’t know who to trust, and Mama Dee shocks everyone with her plan to bring Dog Lucas down. 

PLEASE NOTE: This is a serial novel saga with cliffhanger endings. Each part is approx. 10k or more. Part Three will be released in April 2015. Sign up to our newsletter for release announcements: 

This ebook includes: 

Midnight Wolves Part 2, Book 1 
Bonus Excerpts 

All parts have an extreme heat level. This is a MFMM ménage romance.

Did you miss Part 1 of Book 1? You can pick it up now at all our outlets. Click the book cover or link below it for excerpt and buy links.

Excerpt from Part 2: Joe returned to the room a couple minutes later. “Ash took off?”

“Yeah. He said he’ll see us tomorrow.”

Leaning against the counter, Joe crossed his tattooed arms over his massive chest. Eris caught his gaze and she knew he suspected something. Weariness settled over her like a heavy blanket. She wasn’t up for another confrontation at this late hour.

“He say anything to you? About us?”

Eris looked up and sighed. It’s three in the morning, Joe. He’s tired. He just took off.”

Joe drew closer, pulled out a chair, and sat. He placed his elbows on the table and leaned over, just like Ash had moments earlier. Eris was growing annoyed with their intimidation tactics.

“Bullshit.” His black eyes glimmered.

She rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Yeah, he knows, and he isn’t happy. But I don’t really give a shit what Ash Holden thinks. Remember?”

A sly smile spread across Joe’s face. It made him look incredibly sexy, but Eris was too drained to be horny. She just wanted a comfortable bed, a soft pillow, and a few hours sleep.

“Come to bed.” He laced his fingers through hers and drew her hand to his lips to sweep a kiss across her knuckles. “Let’s finish what we started earlier.”

The touch seared her nerves, made a spark between her legs turn into a fire. But that heavy pall of weariness won out.

“I’m exhausted.” She pulled her hand away and rose from the chair. “I just want some sleep.”

Joe’s face clouded with dark fury and disappointment. “Thought you didn’t care what Ash Holden thinks?”

In exasperation, Eris threw her arms in the air. “What does this have to do with Ash? In the last two days, I’ve had maybe four hours sleep, if I’m lucky. I’m tired, Joe. That’s all.”

He got up and towered over her. “Right. I’m not as stupid as I look, sweetheart.”

She grabbed the sides of her head and pressed, as if physically squashing her frustration down. She wanted to scream at Joe to get over it, to believe her, but she was just too drained for an all out battle at this hour. 

Part 1 is now available at Kobo and Nook.

 Upcoming Events

Be sure to join me March 28 at Desiree Cox's Jaded by Desire Release Party! I'll be doing a takeover from 9:30 pm to 10:00 pm EST, and I'll be giving away prizes!

And be sure to join us Aprill 13 for the Bad Boys of BDSM Box Set event! It starts at 3:00 pm EST and ends at 9:00 pm EST. A ton of great authors will be joining us and giving away wonderful prizes! Head over to the event page now and enter the pre-event giveaway to win a gorgeous custom made charm bracelet!


Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Cover Reveal for Resurrection, Shifter Chronicles Book Two by Anita Cox

Genre: Erotic Paranormal Romance Publisher: Syn Publishing Date of Publication: April 2, 2015
Wendy Baker is a staple in the Belfast Lycan pack. She serves others, manages the house and events. So when Nala Baker, her sister-in-law and new Alpha of the pack, asks her to relocate to the new shifter university, she feels lost. How can she leave her pack behind?
Zoltar, the Centaur King, has eyes for Wendy, but years of animosity between Lycans and Centaurs could mean Wendy’s excommunication if they’re discovered.
As new Headmistress at McGovern University, Wendy struggles to find her place and considers Zoltar. He’s smart, sexy, and thoughtful. What will her brother think? But before they can enjoy their new relationship, a Pixie is murdered and the school falls under attack by a group that does not appreciate integration, the Separatists.
Can Wendy overcome her fears and find true love? Can she defend her school and her new pack from the murderous revenge of the Separatists or will she lose everything?
**Content Notes** Adult content suitable for mature audience only. M/F, violence (not for titillation), bondage
“I can’t help but notice you look lost in thought. Is everything okay?” Wendy turned to him again. “I’ve been invited to be headmistress at the new university.” His laugh was smooth. It flowed like melted chocolate, stirring her longing further than it should have. “It means leaving my pack, Zoltar. That’s very difficult for a Lycan to do—especially one my age.” She looked down at her feet. “An old handmaid sure, but I’m very attached to this place…to my pack.” Standing from the rock, he extended his muscular arm toward her, his fingers relaxed and open. “Walk with me.” After considering him for a split second, she complied, though she wasn’t entirely sure why. She wanted to sit and ponder her future, not wander around with a Centaur who would surely try to seduce her. Still, she followed him down the path around the lake, hoping no one would see them together and start gossiping about her desperateness for a mate. The Lycan men were on edge when the Centaurs arrived and the Centaurs had sworn an oath to keep their hands to themselves. Wandering around alone with a single Lycan female wasn’t exactly part of that oath. Wendy’s hopes of finding a mate could be completely devastated if the men thought she was sneaking off in the woods with a horny Centaur male…King or not. “How much do you now about my race?” He looked at his feet as he walked, his brows pulled together. Shrugging she turned her attention to the path ahead of them, not daring to gaze at his handsomeness—a potential distraction. “Same as everyone, I guess. You have the ability to seduce females of other species so you can produce more Centaurs…being that Centaurs are only male. You are powerful warriors, fierce in battle.” He strolled in silence for a moment, nodding as she spoke. “You know, there is far more to us than that.” “I’m sure there is, Sir.” It was a fine line to walk, keeping a Centaur in check while managing not to be offensive at the same time. Anxiety teetered at the pile of emotions overwhelming her. “Zoltar, please,” he corrected tilting his head. “Or you can call me ‘Z’ as my friends do.” “Z?” She giggled. “How new age.” He smiled then looped his arm in hers as if they’d been friends for ages. The warmth from his arm permeated through her, giving her an odd sense of elation. She swore she’d have to remind herself to breathe. “We are the sons of Apollo.” His words caused an unexpected chuckle to escape her lips once again. “It explains the good looks.” Silently, she chastised herself for that statement. How dare she flirt with him? “I find it very pleasing you think so,” he said with a wink. “It is true, we are fierce warriors. Fierce, but not invincible. The last female Centaur was killed in the battle with the Lapiths. There has yet to be a female born to our kind. It was our ancestors’ pleas to Apollo allowing us the ability to breed with other species so we would not go extinct. However,” he cleared his throat, “our offspring are not a hundred percent Centaur. They can shift into the form of their mother as well.” “What? You’re telling me a child could shift to Lycan and to Centaur?” She stopped in her tracks. “How is this possible?” Releasing her arm he turned to face her. The air around him shimmered and he shifted into a golden wolf briefly before shifting back into his human form. “Yes, it is true.” She gulped. “Well, Z, if I needed a distraction, you certainly came through for me.” He bowed. “Now,” he looped his arm in hers once again, “we are also very good at Astrology. We all have individual strengths, as I’m sure Lycans do. I, for one, have a touch of precognition. I’m also a bit of a healer.” Shifting his eyes, he glanced at her while keeping his head forward. “Care to know why a Lycan of your age looks quite a bit older?” She could not hide her embarrassment. The desire to jerk her arm loose and run far from him was overwhelming—or perhaps she could crawl under a rock. “Nothing I can change, so why bother?” “And if one simple kiss from me would turn the clock back for you, would you grace my lips with yours?” He didn’t slow his pace as he waited for her to reply. When she tried to jerk her arm free, he held on a bit tighter. “What? No.” She wanted to go back to the house, away from Z. She wanted some space so she could focus on the problem at hand…the university, her brother trying to get rid of her, being hopelessly single and aging. “Your beautiful hair, restored to its former glory, the worry lines erased…the only cost being one simple kiss?” He laughed. “Does the thought of kissing me repulse you that much?” “No.” She finally pulled her arm free. “I’m not some young pup you can trick into your bed.” She turned her back to him and started off toward the main house. His long legs prevented her stomping pace from putting any distance between them. He latched onto her hand. “Please. I did not mean to offend you.” She stopped, causing him to bump into her. The heat from his body sent her senses on fire. She could smell his arousal, meaning he could smell hers. She silently groaned. “Look, I don’t know what you’re playing at.” He was so sexy, standing there in a pair of jeans, hanging low on his hip. His blonde curls bounced when he moved. “Fuck it.” She meant to give him a quick peck to shut him up, but something else happened. When she stood on her toes, large warm hands cupped her face. His searing lips brushed up against hers, making her limbs feel like putty. Her ears started to ring. The kiss was slow and tender, but quite respectful. He didn’t shove his tongue in her mouth. He didn’t crush her mouth with his. This…was a first kiss, a tender moment and it melted her. When he released her, she felt heaviness in her lids. “That wasn’t too repulsive, I hope.” Staring at him, she was at a loss for words, or a singular thought. “I see,” he said with a smile, the thought of rendering her speechless apparently entertaining. “Race you back to the house.” Shifting into his wolf form, he tore off, leaving her behind. Wendy shook her head to clear her mind before shifting and taking off after him. His wolf was large, nearly as large as Grace’s. Wendy figured it had something to do with the royal blood. However, he didn’t spend much time in his wolf form and it was obvious as he was rather slow. Wendy pushed hard to get next to him. He looked over at her and made a leap to get ahead of her. She dove under him, digging in her hind quarters then sprinted toward the yard, which was only a few feet ahead. When she finally skidded to a stop, the large Centaur-Wolf was skidding up behind her. The both shifted in unison. “You’re a vivacious runner, Wendy.” He nodded. “Very impressive.” “Wendy!” Colin stood glaring at Zoltar. She’d just been caught cavorting with a Centaur…by her brother.
International best-selling author, Anita Cox has been writing general fiction for nearly a decade. In 2012 she strapped on a new name for a new genre and jumped head first into writing erotic romance.
Anita Cox's erotic debut series Dirty White Candy was picked up by Liquid Silver Books in 2013. In 2014, she became a Director for the Erotic Author's Guild. Her altruistic nature found its purpose, assisting other erotic authors with issues specific to the genre.
Genres/subject matter you can expect to see from Anita: Contemporary, Ménage, Erotic Romance, Paranormal Romance, Erotic Suspense and all things naughty.
Find Anita in the following places...
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Sunday, 15 March 2015

Midnight Wolves Part 1 Book 1

Midnight Wolves Part 1, Book 1
Anita Lawless & Roxxy Meyer

About: “The devil rides our shoulder. The wolf roams in our heart. It’s who we are.”

These words brand Eris Myers with a dark legacy. One filled with blood, bullets, and betrayal.

As the only daughter of Colby ‘Madman’ Myers, she’s grown up surrounded by chaos and danger. Her father is the president of the Midnight Wolves motorcycle club and he’s alpha of their werewolf pack. Now he’s disappeared after being double crossed, and it’s up to Eris and three men she loves and loathes to clear his name and stop a biker / shifter war.

Part One: Ash Holden, Eris’ number one nemesis, shows up at her door, asking her to help clear her father’s name. He also wants her to assume the alpha role in their pack, while he becomes interim president of the Midnight Wolves. Now Eris must return to her hometown of Sweet Haven to get answers, but someone wants these secrets to stay buried, and the bodies start piling up.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a serial novel saga with cliffhanger endings. Each part is 10k. Part Two of Book One will be released in March 2015, and Part Three will be released in April 2015. Sign up to our newsletter for release announcements:

This ebook includes:

Midnight Wolves Part 1, Book 1
Bonus Excerpts

All parts have an extreme heat level. This is a MFMM ménage romance.

Excerpt: “The devil rides our shoulder, Eris. The wolf roams in our heart. It’s who we are.”

Words. Those words branded her DNA, burned her heart with a dark legacy. And when her father uttered them over the phone this morning, she knew he spoke her doom.

“I need your help, kiddo. Someone in the club’s fucking me over. Ash’ll be there soon to explain. Gotta go. Love you.” A click of the phone cut off his grizzled rasp.

Coldness wrapped around Eris. It seeped into her bones and made her shiver. For a while, she held the smartphone to her ear and listened to the deafening silence. Then she tried calling back, but the ring droned on unanswered.

Something bad had happened. On a scale of one to ten, this was major drama. Her father never called and asked for her help, nor would he ever send Ash to see her. Eris and Ash hadn’t spoken in over five years. Whenever she returned to Sweet Haven to see Dad and the others, she avoided Ash at all costs.

What the hell had gone wrong?

Being the daughter of the Midnight Wolves motorcycle club’s president, Eris was used to chaos. Her father couldn’t have picked a more appropriate name for her. She’d been surrounded by discord all her life, but when she left Sweet Haven, after Ash’s betrayal, she left that all behind her.

Or so she thought. Truth was, being a biker’s kid and a werewolf meant trouble would follow Eris wherever she went. She could leave the club and the pack, but they would never leave her.

Childhood had been full of strife. Not only was her father the president of the Midnight Wolves, he was also the alpha of their pack. As his only child, that made Eris next in line for leadership. All through school, she faced constant challenges for pack supremacy from other werewolf kids. She’d never backed down from a fight, even thought she didn’t want the job of being werewolf queen. Eris proved she was tough enough to lead them all and then she walked away.

A motorcycle roared its way closer to her home. Light splashed through the windows of her small bungalow, making her heart seize in her chest and her stomach turn sour.

Eris went to the door and waited. Boots thudded up the steps and she clenched her jaw.

The devil was at her door.

Available at Amazon US
Available at Amazon UK
Available at Amazon CA
Available at All Romance
Available at Bookstrand
Available at Nook
Available at Kobo

Available at Smashwords

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Win $25 Amazon GC on our Book Blast Tour! / Golden Flogger Award

Hey readers and friends,

Lots of news to share today! I'm still catching up after putting my mom to rest, and there's still tons of business to tackle on that front, but I'm getting there. Plus I desperately need to update our website.

Midnight Wolves Part 1 will soon be released, and I'll be revealing the cover, so watch for updates, or subscribe to our newsletter to get release news and other treats. The widget is located in the right hand sidebar.

Bad Boys of BDSM Book Blast Tour

And the book blast tour for the Bad Boys of BDSM Box Set, sponsored by Literati Author Services, has now started! Visit some of our hosts and enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card!

Words of Wisdom from The Scarf Princess

Obsessed by Books

Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway for $25 Amazon GC!

Currently the box set is at #2 on in Mashups! Thank you, readers!

  • Literati Author Services
    Book Tour Book Blast : March 10-13
    Bad Boys of BDSM Box Set 
    Volume 1-6
    Erotic, Extreme Heat Level
     Easy copy/paste HTML code will be provided. This tour is a Promotional Tour 

    From Amazon & All Romance bestsellers the Wild & Lawless Writers!

    Go on a wild ride with these decadent bad boys of BDSM.

    Get tangled up with alpha billionaires and werewolves. Let a bad boy claim your heart. Fall in love with a rugged mercenary, and follow one young dominatrix as she tries to tame two rough bikers.

    This box set includes six novellas plus bonus stories and an exclusive sneak peek at the upcoming Midnight Wolves MC Saga.

    Stories so dirty and hot, your ereader may not survive!

    25.00 Amazon Gift Card 

  • Title:Bad Boys of BDSM Box Set
    Authors: Anita Lawless, C.J. Sneere, Roxxy Meyer, Leigh Foxlee
    Publication Date: February 27, 2015
    ~ Synopsis ~
    Bad Boy Werewolf (MF; HEA)
    Bonus Story: Waking Up Werewolf Part 1 (MM)
    Claimed by the Bad Boy (MF/MFM/MFF; HEA)
    Bonus Story: Jack & James (MMMMMMM)
    Bad Boy Biker (MM/MMM; HFN)
    Bonus Story: Barista Boys (MM)
    Bad Boy Alphas (MMM; HEA)
    Bonus Story: Lust Times Two (MMF)
    Her Bad Boy Protector (MF; HEA)
    Bonus Story: Stripped Down (FF)
    Taming Two Bad Boys (MFM; HEA)
    Bonus Story: Surrender To His Proposal (MMF)
    Bonus Excerpt: Midnight Wolves Part 1
    Bonus Excerpts

    All stories have an extreme heat level.

Don't forget to support our Thunderclap campaign to also spread the word about our box set! All readers are entered to win books when they sign up. Authors, if you support the campaign, I'll return the favor. Just give me a shout at or PM me on facebook or twitter with your thunderclap or other promotion you want shared.

Golden Flogger Award

I'm pleased to announce that C.J. Sneere and I have been nominated for a Golden Flogger Award. This is an honor, and we're thrilled that two of our books each are being considered. Here's a list of the titles and the categories.

BDSM Romance - Claimed by the Bad Boy and Her Bad Boy Protector

Paranormal - Bad Boy Biker and Bad Boy Alphas

You can view the complete list of nominees here:

Saturday, 7 March 2015

#Thunderclap and FREE Reads

Hey readers and friends,

Join the #BadBoysofBDSM Team! Support our Thunderclap campaign here: We need 100 suporters to achieve a social media blast, and we're only at 15. Please spread the word! All you have to do is sign up to tweet or post on Facebook or Tumblr about our new Bad Boys of BDSM Box Set. Thanks so much to everyone who has supported our Thunderclap so far.

And your first FREE read for March will be available tomorrow! Pick up our Forbidden Desires Boxed Set for free at Amazon from March 8 - 12. It's free anytime if you're a Kindle Unlimited member.

Friday, 6 March 2015

Dana Delamar Book 3 Blog Tour: REDEMPTION (Blood and Honor, #3)

REDEMPTION (Blood and Honor, #3) Dana Delamar

Genre: Romantic Suspense (Mafia romance)

Heat level: Hot (RT Book Reviews scale), 4 Flames (All Romance eBooks scale)


REDEMPTION: A mobster seeking redemption. A woman on a mission. A powerful enemy ready to pounce...

Antonio Legato has always been an outsider, even though he's moved up in the Lucchesi mob organization. When he falls in love with Bianca Lucchesi, Antonio may at last become part of the family, but he's hiding an ugly secret about her father's death. Telling Bianca the truth will pit blood against blood and annihilate the family he loves.

Bianca Lucchesi reluctantly agrees to help her brothers ruin Antonio so they can take their rightful place in the organization. As assistant to the don's wife, Bianca seduces Antonio while pursuing her brothers' revenge. But her loyalty is divided--she and Antonio share a secret that he's unaware of. She longs to tell him, but fears he can never forgive what she's done.

When Bianca and Antonio learn that her brothers have rashly allied with a cunning enemy who is plotting against the Lucchesis, can they heal the family's wounds before everyone they love is destroyed?


"Redemption knocks it out of the PARK!!! This is the novel I was waiting for!!! I bugged, harassed (in the most loving way), prodded, messaged, emailed and generally made a pest of myself for MONTHS until Dana got this novel done; and get it done she did. WOW I was blown out of the water on this one." -- Steph's Book Retreat blog, 5 stars

"This series is awesome!!! If this series was ever made into a movie it would put the Godfather to shame! I am always pulled into the lives that Dana creates in her books. Heart beating so fast it is like I am part of the story line!!! If you are looking for fantastic writing style and being pulled into a story this is it!! I VERY HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK. I WANT TO GIVE IT MORE THAN 5 STARS." -- Julie's Book Reviews blog, 5 stars

"When I compare the quality of the writing, the complexity of the plot and the development of the characters in this series to other books I have awarded 4 or even 4.5 stars to, this one is clearly worthy of a much higher rating than many of them. Not only do I look forward to reading more in the series I am also really excited and can hardly wait." - Lindsay and Jane's Views and Reviews blog, 5 stars


         Finalist, 2014 Maggie Awards for Excellence

         Semi-finalist, Kindle Book Review's 2014 Best Kindle Book Awards

Purchase Links (non-affiliate):
Apple iTunes:
All Romance eBooks:
Paperback US:
Paperback UK:

Dana Delamar is the author of the "Blood and Honor" romantic suspense series, which is set in Italy among the Calabrian Mafia. An avid traveler who loves to learn about different peoples and cultures, Dana often sets her books in exotic locales. She grew up in the Midwest and Pacific Northwest, and today makes Seattle her home. She's an omnivorous reader with overflowing bookshelves and a passionate love of "Supernatural," "Firefly," "True Blood," "Mad Men," and a zillion other TV shows. Where she finds the time to sleep is a mystery.

When she's not writing, Dana is zipping off to visit new locales, dreaming about her next trip to Italy, or narrowly avoiding car accidents while she conjures up exploits for her characters. You can visit her at

Author Links:


Her heart pounding, Bianca Lucchesi smiled at the man she’d come to see while doing her best to ignore the one she’d never wanted to see again. Antonio Legato. She’d arranged to meet her uncle at the bank instead of at his home because she’d hoped to avoid Antonio. And here he was anyway.
Dio mio, would her heart never slow down? One glimpse of him had been enough to bring everything back. Everything she’d tried so damn hard to suppress. To forget.

She widened her smile. “Zio Enrico,” she said as her uncle came around the desk and embraced her, kissing her on both cheeks. Marriage had agreed with her godfather. He was still lean, still handsome as sin, with that black hair and those chocolate eyes. He looked happy again—not stricken, the way he’d been at the funerals for her father and her brother Fedele.

Prego,” he said, motioning to the chair beside Antonio. “I don’t believe you’ve met my capo di società, Antonio Legato.”

Would Antonio say something about their past? She stuck out her hand and tried to appear mildly interested. Anything but infuriated. Or hurt. “Don Legato,” she said.

Antonio rose and took her hand in his large one. Cristo, he’d grown. He was a man now—at least six feet, with the broad shoulders and slim hips of a male in his prime.

His blue eyes met hers, a shock of unruly blond hair falling just over them. A wave of heat rolled through her. How many nights had she dreamed of him? How many times had she relived those moments they’d spent together?

He flashed her a casual smile, as if he were completely unaffected by her, and pressed a kiss to her knuckles, the light brush of his lips reminding her of other places he’d kissed.

“Signorina Lucchesi. It’s a pleasure. I haven’t seen you since secondary school.”

“I wasn’t aware you knew each other,” Enrico said.

“We had a class together,” Antonio said. “Chemistry, I believe.”

Bianca wanted to kick him in the shin. Was he trying to flirt with her? Chemistry! Yes, they’d had it. But outside of class.

“You’re mistaken, signore. It was biology, not chemistry.”

“My error.” He was still grinning at her—the arrogant bastard. Did he think she still wanted him? Well, if he did, he was wrong.

Antonio released her hand, and they retook their seats. Bianca’s skin tingled where he had touched her, and she resisted the urge to press her hand to her mouth, to feel that tingling against her lips. 
Damn him. Antonio Legato was a hundred different kinds of infuriating.

And he knew it.


The prequel to the series, MALAVITA (Blood and Honor, Prequel) is available FREE at all retailers. Note that MALAVITA is more on the PG-13 side, whereas the other books in the series are all R-rated for sex, language, and violence.
(non-affiliate links)
Apple iTunes:
All Romance eBooks:


Monday, 2 March 2015

Sign up for the Bad Boys of BDSM Blog Tour!

Sign up for the Bad Boys of BDSM Blog Tour! The tour will run from March 10 - 13. Readers, follow the tour and be sure to enter the Amazon $25 gift card  giveaway!

Sign up form:

  • Literati Author Services
    Book Tour Book Blast : March 10-13
    Bad Boys of BDSM Box Set 
    Volume 1-6
    Erotic, Extreme Heat Level
     Easy copy/paste HTML code will be provided. This tour is a Promotional Tour 

    From Amazon & All Romance bestsellers the Wild & Lawless Writers!

    Go on a wild ride with these decadent bad boys of BDSM.

    Get tangled up with alpha billionaires and werewolves. Let a bad boy claim your heart. Fall in love with a rugged mercenary, and follow one young dominatrix as she tries to tame two rough bikers.

    This box set includes six novellas plus bonus stories and an exclusive sneak peek at the upcoming Midnight Wolves MC Saga.

    Stories so dirty and hot, your ereader may not survive!

    25.00 Amazon Gift Card 

  • Title:Bad Boys of BDSM Box Set
    Authors: Anita Lawless, C.J. Sneere, Roxxy Meyer, Leigh Foxlee
    Publication Date: February 27, 2015
    ~ Synopsis ~
    Bad Boy Werewolf (MF; HEA)
    Bonus Story: Waking Up Werewolf Part 1 (MM)
    Claimed by the Bad Boy (MF/MFM/MFF; HEA)
    Bonus Story: Jack & James (MMMMMMM)
    Bad Boy Biker (MM/MMM; HFN)
    Bonus Story: Barista Boys (MM)
    Bad Boy Alphas (MMM; HEA)
    Bonus Story: Lust Times Two (MMF)
    Her Bad Boy Protector (MF; HEA)
    Bonus Story: Stripped Down (FF)
    Taming Two Bad Boys (MFM; HEA)
    Bonus Story: Surrender To His Proposal (MMF)
    Bonus Excerpt: Midnight Wolves Part 1
    Bonus Excerpts

    All stories have an extreme heat level.

    The Bad Boys of BDSM Box Set is now available at BN and Kobo. Click the links below to get your copy! I've also updated the listing with the new links.

    A big thank you going out to our readers and awesome street team, too! Bad Boys of BDSM Box Set is #3 on Amazon in Mashups!